Life With Balance

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The Mind-Body Connection: How To Recognise Stress In The Body And Release It.

Have you ever slept through your alarm? No shame in it; it happens to the best of us! You had a late night. But you were in the middle of a sweet dream. And the blaring noise in the background was quickly silenced by the touch of a finger. 

Uh oh. 

Now you're running late. Still have to shower; that's a given, even though it takes more time. Coffee? Nope, no time for that. Breakfast? Just grab a bagel on the way into the office. But, now that you're timing is off, the train you usually take has come and gone. Uber (Bolt or Lyft are also available!) it is, but that means sitting in rush hour traffic. So by the time you finally get into the office, you're late, under-caffeinated, and stressed. And hungry because you forgot to get a bagel. 

Mornings like this take their toll. When they happen, again and again, it can be debilitating. 

Stress and agitation lead to our bodies holding on to negative emotions and energy, impacting your mental fitness and how you show up for your day. 

While some may not care about an off morning, others will try to get that time back, which is impossible. This means that a morning like this won't affect them all that much for some people, but it can impact their entire day or future days for others. 

Among the host of other reasons that I work with clients, many come to me because they are holding onto stress, and, whether they know it or not, it is taking its toll. 

So Here's What's Happening

In Element Theory - found in ancient civilisations worldwide and the basis of Traditional Thai Bodywork and massage - the starting point is the five elements: fire, water, earth, wind, and space. Of course, we, along with everything else in this world, are made up of combinations of these five elements. However, the elements within us are not all equal, so some will present with a primary component. For some, this may be fire; for others, it's water. And sometimes, these elements can be unbalanced. 

Those with an imbalance of wind tend to be quite anxious and heady. The mind is going in a lot of different directions. This creates a space for unwanted emotions, such as stress and anxiety, to latch on. 

And from there, they start to affect your life. 

How It Impacts You

Have you ever used a weighted vest for working out? By putting a few one or two-kilogram weights in the pockets, you can add some weight to your frame and increase the benefits of your workouts. But, if after your session was over, you drove home in that vest, then made dinner in that vest, then went to sleep in that vest, then had to get up the next day in that vest… 

Not good. 

Pretty soon, that vest would be really heavy. It would be weighing you down, affecting your mood, energy levels, relationships, and many other aspects of your life. 

You might not even remember that you have the vest on. All you know is you're feeling, not yourself. 

When our elements are unbalanced, and our bodies are holding onto negative emotions, we can feel the effects in a variety of different ways: 

Psychologically, we may be fuzzy or unclear. The world may seem to be passing by in a haze. Things that once seemed fun or exciting are now dull or even stressful. 

Physically, we might feel perpetually drained or tense. It can feel as if the body's fight-flight-freeze response is always turned on. When it's time to relax, the body might feel stressed and full of energy. When stuff needs to get done, it may be lethargic and unfocused. 

Emotionally, we can feel anxious or disconnected. An imbalance in the body's elements can impact how we connect to the world around us. 

This leads to a stressed, bound up, tight, and impacted mind and body.

And this is where bodywork can help. 

What I Have Seen 

I have seen emotional releases.

I have witnessed the body letting go. 

During treatments, I have maintained space for people while they cried deep cries and shed tears while their bodies finally let go of all they held so tightly to. 

It is an incredible thing to bear witness to. 

When I work with someone, it is always a unique experience. No two people are the same, so no two treatments are the same. However, the past year has seen a noticeable change in the help I give my clients. 

Many have come in with busy, overworked minds and tight, wound-up bodies. As a result, they come in stressed with an unbalanced wind element. 

It is incredible to watch what Thai healing can do for them. 

The approach for clients who present this way takes the following form: treatments that focus on the heart/mind connection, a spinal nerve treatment, or a combination of the two. 

When working with the heart/mind connection, I'll work my way through the body with specific points, gently placing my fingers on different areas and then holding them, cultivating an energetic release for the body and mind. 

With a spinal nerve treatment, I'll use a particular oil which is worked into the body along the length of the spine. As the oil massage work into the muscles, the nervous system will gradually calm down. 

Bodywork is not a one-time fix. Instead, it is very often a repeated practice. 

The release helps bring a state of calm and gives the body and the mind room to breathe. So much of the work I do is teaching people to recognise the things in their life that stress them, that cause their bodies to hold onto negative emotions. Becoming aware of these stressors is key to being comfortable in your body.

Many people don't even realise they still have on a weighted vest. 

Many people don't realise the morning they were late for work still affects them. 

We all deserve to feel good in our own bodies. 

Let's get there together: