Traditional Thai Bodywork

What Are The Benefits, And Who Can Experience A Treatment?

Who is Traditional Thai Bodywork for?

TTB is for anyone

  • Young or old

  • Flexible or stiff

  • Healthy or otherwise...

What are the therapeutic benefits of Traditional Thai Massage?

TTM treats ailments such as

  • Numbness or loss of feeling in conditions such as

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • Post-stroke

  • Aches & Pains

    • headache

    • knee pain

    • back, shoulder and neck pain

    • premenstrual tension

Each treatment is created to suit your needs. TTM's beautiful yoga-based stretches are secondary and do not necessarily need to be part of the treatment. The treatment improves flexibility and aids relaxation.

Treatments take place in the comfort of your home, at triyoga Camden, and even remotely, with guided self-care sessions.


Thai bodywork has its roots in traditional Thai medical theory. The body is seen as composed of Earth and Water and animated by Fire and Wind. Working with an understanding of traditional Thai medical theory, Thai anatomy and physiology, someone with a Fire imbalance may need to have coconut oil rubbed over them, as coconut oil has a cooling effect. Not exactly what most people would consider a Thai Yoga Massage!

What makes the modality Thai is the more profound knowledge and application of theory. Using Thai element theory and Thai point theory, along with an understanding of the causation of dis-ease, to guide how the treatment is conducted for a patient is what makes the work Thai.

Thai Bodywork Treatment

“When treating a patient, there is no sequence.”

For starters, the consultation is very different. A Thai medical theory consultation is longer and includes a traditional disease diagnosis. 

Thai bodywork is integral to traditional medicine; there’s no separation between bodywork and other therapies, as in modern Western healing arts.

The expectation is that a healer diagnoses various pathologies through a traditional medicine lens.

A typical patient intake process can include one or more of the following diagnoses: Five senses, Digestive, Pulse, Tongue, and other diagnostic markers. When treating a patient, there is no sequence. A treatment will tend not to start at the feet and move up the body, finishing with the head. Any treatment focuses on those aspects discovered during the intake process. 

“…a Thai element bodywork treatment is not concerned with treating the entire body.”

Another critical difference is that Thai bodywork treatment has its foundation in the five layers of the body. When working on an area, the intention is to work each layer to the point where it is “open” before proceeding to the next. This may mean some layers are not worked, as the preceding layer may not open.

The five layers that are worked in order are The skin, Tissue (primarily the fat, fascia, and muscle), The Sên (the channels and grooves between large muscle groups), Bone (through the range of motion and traction), and Organs (addressed through the abdomen).

Finally, another significant difference is that a Thai element bodywork treatment is not concerned with treating the entire body. There are parts of the body that will already be open. The focus, therefore, is on those areas that are closed or experiencing dis-ease.

Contact us below to discuss your bespoke treatment plan, or click here to book a treatment.

We also offer Bowen Therapy and Sound Healing through our partners, The Sound Shift.

You can book a time to speak with Joseph about moving to your next level or mission in life.